Jose D. Rios, BCBA
Jose has over 47 years of experience with children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In the 1980’s-90’s, Jose worked with hundreds families with children with autisms and intellectual and developmental disabilities.
For 17 years, Jose was an adjunct instructor at California State University- Los Angeles, and for 16 years, he was owner/licensee of residential facilities serving children, adolescents and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and autism who presented with severe problem behavior. Jose has given over 80 state and national conference presentations as well as a multitude number of presentations, lectures, in services, webinars and workshops on a diverse range of topics including ethics, self-injurious behavior, working with individuals with traumatic brain injury, understanding behavior phenotypes, designing ethical behavior interventions plans, and social and cultural diversity in ABA. Jose has the record for the number of workshops given at CalABA since the inception of the organization, he served as president of CalABA, and is currently a board member of that organization. Jose is also a co-founder of LABA and developed an innovative mentorship program called “FastTrack.”

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